Employment Equity

All employers who employ more than 50 employees or who have a turnover in excess of certain amounts detailed per industry in the Employment Equity Act are legally required to comply with Chapter III of the Employment Equity Act (Affirmative Action section), whilst all employers regardless of their size and turnover are obligated to comply with Chapter II (dealing with Unfair Discrimination) of the Act.

Failure to comply with the Employment Equity Act can result in penalties ranging from R1.5m to 2% of company turnover. Compliance is also a prerequisite to earn B-BBEE points on the Management Control scorecard.

Most employers are aware of the requirement to report on-line annually to the Dept of Labour regarding their Employment Equity statistics but many are unaware that compliance involves not just annual reporting but also extensive consulting and planning with a workplace consultative forum.

We facilitate and manage this process for our clients to ensure compliance.

Our employment equity (EE) planning, implementing and reporting service includes:

  • Briefing management and developing a road-map to implement the Employment Equity Act within their business in the most effective manner.
  • Ensuring the appointment in writing of a Senior Manager and completion of EEA1 forms by all employees.
  • Ensuring compliance with the requirement to communicate with regards to Employment Equity and to display an Employment Equity poster in the workplace.
  • Overseeing the process of electing and establishing an Employment Equity forum including and the Forum with a set of guidelines & procedures
  • Providing Employment Equity Training to Management and the forum members.
  • Facilitating consultation meetings with the Forum and taking minutes.
  • Collating and analyzing employee information for planning and reporting purposes.
  • Conducting an analysis of HR policies and procedures as required by the Employment Equity Act.
  • Preparing the Company’s EE Plan in consultation with the Employment Equity forum.
  • Submitting the EE Report online to the Department of Labour.
  • Ensuring ongoing compliance, review and monitoring of the Employment Equity Plan
  • Ensuring that management keeps an Employment Equity file on the premises.
  • Addressing any Employment Equity related issues that arise in the workplace including preparing for compliance audits from the Department of Labour.

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