Human Resource Management
Our HR Consultants are professional ‘generalists’ with a broad range of HR skills. We typically play a hands-on role with our clients and implement best management practices including:
- Employment Equity Act, 55/1998
- Skills Development Act, 97/1998
- Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 53/2003
- Strategic HR (including Organizational structure and alignment)
- HR policies & procedures
- Recruitment planning and implementation
- Employment Contracts
- Job Design and Job Profiles
- Performance Management
- Remuneration benchmarking & structuring
- Retention strategies and Talent Management (including Induction, Career & Succession Planning, Climate Surveys, Exit Interviews)
- Employment Equity compliance
- Skills Development Facilitation
- HR Administration
All or any of the above can be provided on a consulting basis or packaged in combination where we act as our clients outsourced HR Manager.