Our Services
Bespoke service packages for unique clients

Our Service Packages
More and more companies are prioritizing the need for transformation in their businesses but need expert guidance, knowledge and support to progress effectively on their journey and to translate this into a favourable B-BBEE scorecard.
We believe that a strategic and integrated approach is required to achieve and to maintain a good B-BBEE scorecard. Once achieved, strategies need to be in place to maintain or improve the scorecard.
Why use People Partners as your B-BEE Consultants:
- We offer deep knowledge and B-BBEE expertise across all industries. As the field of B-BBEE is still relatively fluid, we pride ourselves on keeping up to date with legislation and work closely with a number of verification rating agencies nationally to ensure that we stay on top of the latest interpretations.
- We understand and approach B-BBEE from various perspectives including a business, legal and people perspective. Our background and experience in business strategy, human resources and labour law is a distinct advantage.
- We go beyond simply arms-length advising and ‘ticking the boxes’. We take a partnering approach and are ‘hands-on’ and involved in the implementation of B-BBEE and transformation solutions.
- We make an effort to really understand our client’s business and provide solutions that are appropriate, practical and make business sense.
- We follow a partnering philosophy and have a wide referral network. This helps us to be innovative and find the best possible solutions and offer excellent service.
- Preparation of the B-BBEE file for submission for verification and assistance throughout the process.
Our Ten-Step Methodology
- Gaining an understanding of the company’s objectives.
- Gathering of information and calculation of a “present state” indicative scorecard for analysis purposes.
- Gap Analysis to identify opportunities to improve the B-BBEE scorecard and meet the company’s objectives.
- B-BBEE Planning and strategizing with the client.
- Implementation, regular monitoring and re-strategising where necessary
- Integration with Skills Development and Employment Equity plans, reports and strategies.
- Collation of evidence in electronic format along the way to avoid a big rush at the end of the financial period.
- Coordination of verification process at the end of the financial period.
- Final collation of electronic data and submission to verification rating agency.
- Representation at the on-site verification and through-out the process until certification.
Our ‘hands-on’ approach to B-BBEE:
- Ownership:
Where appropriate, we can recommend various strategies and opportunities to address the ownership element of the scorecard in compliance with the spirit of the legislation. Where this involves the drafting of agreements or Trust Deed’s for Employee Share Ownership Schemes or Broad-Based Ownership schemes, our legal partners SSA are able to assist.
- Ownership:
- Management Control:
In addition to making recommendations regarding the structure of the Board of Directors, we reassess employment levels in line with job content, decision-making responsibility and salary levels as well as ensuring that employment contracts and supporting documentation are in place. Critically, we also ensure that our clients are compliant with the provisions of the Employment Equity Act and take them through the implementation, consulting, planning, and reporting process where required.
- Management Control:
- Skills Development:
Where required, we assist our clients as their external Skills Development Facilitator and ensure that they are compliant with the provisions of the Skills Development Act and submit an annual Workplace Skills Plan and Annual Training Report to their SETA annually. In addition, we make recommendations regarding appropriate training providers and learning institutions, establish appropriate learnership, assist with recruitment of interns and ensure that the correct documentation is in place as supporting evidence.
- Skills Development:
- Procurement:
We assist our clients to understand their procurement scorecard and brainstorm strategies to improve their scorecard where necessary. Furthermore, we maintain an extensive database of B-BBEE certificates and assist our clients to source certificates where necessary. - Supplier, enterprise and socio-economic development programmes:
We collaborate with our clients to develop appropriate supplier, enterprise and socio-economic development programmes and draft all the necessary contracts, documentation and acknowledgements along the way. In addition, we are able to tap into our extensive network to make recommendations as to appropriate organisations to partner with where necessary.
- Procurement:
Our HR Consultants are professional ‘generalists’ with a broad range of HR skills. We typically play a hands-on role with our clients and implement best management practices including:
- Employment Equity Act, 55/1998
- Skills Development Act, 97/1998
- Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 53/2003
- Strategic HR (including Organizational structure and alignment)
- HR policies & procedures
- Recruitment planning and implementation
- Employment Contracts
- Job Design and Job Profiles
- Performance Management
- Remuneration benchmarking & structuring
- Retention strategies and Talent Management (including Induction, Career & Succession Planning, Climate Surveys, Exit Interviews)
- Employment Equity compliance
- Skills Development Facilitation
- HR Administration
All or any of the above can be provided on a consulting basis or packaged in combination where we act as our clients outsourced HR Manager.
All employers who employ more than 50 employees or who have a turnover in excess of certain amounts detailed per industry in the Employment Equity Act are legally required to comply with Chapter III of the Employment Equity Act (Affirmative Action section), whilst all employers regardless of their size and turnover are obligated to comply with Chapter II (dealing with Unfair Discrimination) of the Act.
Failure to comply with the Employment Equity Act can result in penalties ranging from R1.5m to 2% of company turnover. Compliance is also a prerequisite to earn B-BBEE points on the Management Control scorecard.
Most employers are aware of the requirement to report on-line annually to the Dept of Labour regarding their Employment Equity statistics but many are unaware that compliance involves not just annual reporting but also extensive consulting and planning with a workplace consultative forum.
We facilitate and manage this process for our clients to ensure compliance.
Our employment equity (EE) planning, implementing and reporting service includes:
- Briefing management and developing a road-map to implement the Employment Equity Act within their business in the most effective manner.
- Ensuring the appointment in writing of a Senior Manager and completion of EEA1 forms by all employees.
- Ensuring compliance with the requirement to communicate with regards to Employment Equity and to display an Employment Equity poster in the workplace.
- Overseeing the process of electing and establishing an Employment Equity forum including and the Forum with a set of guidelines & procedures
- Providing Employment Equity Training to Management and the forum members.
- Facilitating consultation meetings with the Forum and taking minutes.
- Collating and analyzing employee information for planning and reporting purposes.
- Conducting an analysis of HR policies and procedures as required by the Employment Equity Act.
- Preparing the Company’s EE Plan in consultation with the Employment Equity forum.
- Submitting the EE Report online to the Department of Labour.
- Ensuring ongoing compliance, review and monitoring of the Employment Equity Plan
- Ensuring that management keeps an Employment Equity file on the premises.
- Addressing any Employment Equity related issues that arise in the workplace including preparing for compliance audits from the Department of Labour.
Through our structured and hands-on approach to Skills Development, People Partners assists our clients to up-skill their employee’s effectively and in accordance with their business needs. Furthermore, we manage and monitor the process of grant refunds from the relevant SETA and secure additional discretionary or PIVOTAL funding where possible. As a result, our clients find that our services often pay for themselves!
Our Skills Development services include:
- Ensuring registration with the relevant SETA.
- Conducting a Skills Audit & Training Needs Analysis through information collation and skills gap analysis.
- Developing a Training Plan in line with operational requirements, B-BBEE scorecard (where relevant) and financial budgets.
- Compiling an annual Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) and Annual Training Report (ATR) and submission to the SETA.
- Sourcing and making recommendations regarding training providers and coordination of training.
- Ongoing monitoring of training plan implementation and collation of data.
- Submitting applications for discretionary grant funding (eg funding for bursaries and internships).
- Managing and facilitating the implementation of a discretionary grant programme.
- Coordination of learnership and internships.
- Sourcing of interns and bursary recipients.
- Drafting Training / Learnership / Internship agreements.
- Presentation of customized training programmes
We provide peace of mind solutions for all labour issues. We guide our clients through this tricky area and ensure that matters are dealt with effectively, fairly and with minimal risk.
We provide either ad-hoc assistance with labour matters or a “one-call-away” Assurance service at a fixed monthly rate.
Our Assurance service includes:
- membership of an Employers Organisation,
- a dedicated IR specialist,
- a telephonic and email advisory help-line,
- chairing of disciplinary and incapacity hearings as well as
- CCMA / Bargaining Council representation.
People Partners conducts customized in-house training courses for our clients across a broad spectrum of topics including:
- Discipline
- Poor Performance
- Handling Absenteeism
- Supervisory and Management Development
- The Employment Equity Act
- The Skills Development Act
- Understanding Basic Employee Rights and the BCEA.
- Understanding B-BBEE
- Implementing Job Design and Performance Management Systems.
Our Service Packages
More and more companies are prioritizing the need for transformation in their businesses but need expert guidance, knowledge and support to progress effectively on their journey and to translate this into a favourable B-BBEE scorecard.
We believe that a strategic and integrated approach is required to achieve and to maintain a good B-BBEE scorecard. Once achieved, strategies need to be in place to maintain or improve the scorecard.
Why use People Partners as your B-BEE Consultants:
- We offer deep knowledge and B-BBEE expertise across all industries. As the field of B-BBEE is still relatively fluid, we pride ourselves on keeping up to date with legislation and work closely with a number of verification rating agencies nationally to ensure that we stay on top of the latest interpretations.
- We understand and approach B-BBEE from various perspectives including a business, legal and people perspective. Our background and experience in business strategy, human resources and labour law is a distinct advantage.
- We go beyond simply arms-length advising and ‘ticking the boxes’. We take a partnering approach and are ‘hands-on’ and involved in the implementation of B-BBEE and transformation solutions.
- We make an effort to really understand our client’s business and provide solutions that are appropriate, practical and make business sense.
- We follow a partnering philosophy and have a wide referral network. This helps us to be innovative and find the best possible solutions and offer excellent service.
- Preparation of the B-BBEE file for submission for verification and assistance throughout the process.
Our Ten-Step Methodology
- Gaining an understanding of the company’s objectives.
- Gathering of information and calculation of a “present state” indicative scorecard for analysis purposes.
- Gap Analysis to identify opportunities to improve the B-BBEE scorecard and meet the company’s objectives.
- B-BBEE Planning and strategizing with the client.
- Implementation, regular monitoring and re-strategising where necessary
- Integration with Skills Development and Employment Equity plans, reports and strategies.
- Collation of evidence in electronic format along the way to avoid a big rush at the end of the financial period.
- Coordination of verification process at the end of the financial period.
- Final collation of electronic data and submission to verification rating agency.
- Representation at the on-site verification and through-out the process until certification.
Our ‘hands-on’ approach to B-BBEE:
- Ownership:
Where appropriate, we can recommend various strategies and opportunities to address the ownership element of the scorecard in compliance with the spirit of the legislation. Where this involves the drafting of agreements or Trust Deed’s for Employee Share Ownership Schemes or Broad-Based Ownership schemes, our legal partners SSA are able to assist.
- Ownership:
- Management Control:
In addition to making recommendations regarding the structure of the Board of Directors, we reassess employment levels in line with job content, decision-making responsibility and salary levels as well as ensuring that employment contracts and supporting documentation are in place. Critically, we also ensure that our clients are compliant with the provisions of the Employment Equity Act and take them through the implementation, consulting, planning, and reporting process where required.
- Management Control:
- Skills Development:
Where required, we assist our clients as their external Skills Development Facilitator and ensure that they are compliant with the provisions of the Skills Development Act and submit an annual Workplace Skills Plan and Annual Training Report to their SETA annually. In addition, we make recommendations regarding appropriate training providers and learning institutions, establish appropriate learnership, assist with recruitment of interns and ensure that the correct documentation is in place as supporting evidence.
- Skills Development:
- Procurement:
We assist our clients to understand their procurement scorecard and brainstorm strategies to improve their scorecard where necessary. Furthermore, we maintain an extensive database of B-BBEE certificates and assist our clients to source certificates where necessary. - Supplier, enterprise and socio-economic development programmes:
We collaborate with our clients to develop appropriate supplier, enterprise and socio-economic development programmes and draft all the necessary contracts, documentation and acknowledgements along the way. In addition, we are able to tap into our extensive network to make recommendations as to appropriate organisations to partner with where necessary.
- Procurement:
Our HR Consultants are professional ‘generalists’ with a broad range of HR skills. We typically play a hands-on role with our clients and implement best management practices including:
- Employment Equity Act, 55/1998
- Skills Development Act, 97/1998
- Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 53/2003
- Strategic HR (including Organizational structure and alignment)
- HR policies & procedures
- Recruitment planning and implementation
- Employment Contracts
- Job Design and Job Profiles
- Performance Management
- Remuneration benchmarking & structuring
- Retention strategies and Talent Management (including Induction, Career & Succession Planning, Climate Surveys, Exit Interviews)
- Employment Equity compliance
- Skills Development Facilitation
- HR Administration
All or any of the above can be provided on a consulting basis or packaged in combination where we act as our clients outsourced HR Manager.
All employers who employ more than 50 employees or who have a turnover in excess of certain amounts detailed per industry in the Employment Equity Act are legally required to comply with Chapter III of the Employment Equity Act (Affirmative Action section), whilst all employers regardless of their size and turnover are obligated to comply with Chapter II (dealing with Unfair Discrimination) of the Act.
Failure to comply with the Employment Equity Act can result in penalties ranging from R1.5m to 2% of company turnover. Compliance is also a prerequisite to earn B-BBEE points on the Management Control scorecard.
Most employers are aware of the requirement to report on-line annually to the Dept of Labour regarding their Employment Equity statistics but many are unaware that compliance involves not just annual reporting but also extensive consulting and planning with a workplace consultative forum.
We facilitate and manage this process for our clients to ensure compliance.
Our employment equity (EE) planning, implementing and reporting service includes:
- Briefing management and developing a road-map to implement the Employment Equity Act within their business in the most effective manner.
- Ensuring the appointment in writing of a Senior Manager and completion of EEA1 forms by all employees.
- Ensuring compliance with the requirement to communicate with regards to Employment Equity and to display an Employment Equity poster in the workplace.
- Overseeing the process of electing and establishing an Employment Equity forum including and the Forum with a set of guidelines & procedures
- Providing Employment Equity Training to Management and the forum members.
- Facilitating consultation meetings with the Forum and taking minutes.
- Collating and analyzing employee information for planning and reporting purposes.
- Conducting an analysis of HR policies and procedures as required by the Employment Equity Act.
- Preparing the Company’s EE Plan in consultation with the Employment Equity forum.
- Submitting the EE Report online to the Department of Labour.
- Ensuring ongoing compliance, review and monitoring of the Employment Equity Plan
- Ensuring that management keeps an Employment Equity file on the premises.
- Addressing any Employment Equity related issues that arise in the workplace including preparing for compliance audits from the Department of Labour.
Through our structured and hands-on approach to Skills Development, People Partners assists our clients to up-skill their employee’s effectively and in accordance with their business needs. Furthermore, we manage and monitor the process of grant refunds from the relevant SETA and secure additional discretionary or PIVOTAL funding where possible. As a result, our clients find that our services often pay for themselves!
Our Skills Development services include:
- Ensuring registration with the relevant SETA.
- Conducting a Skills Audit & Training Needs Analysis through information collation and skills gap analysis.
- Developing a Training Plan in line with operational requirements, B-BBEE scorecard (where relevant) and financial budgets.
- Compiling an annual Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) and Annual Training Report (ATR) and submission to the SETA.
- Sourcing and making recommendations regarding training providers and coordination of training.
- Ongoing monitoring of training plan implementation and collation of data.
- Submitting applications for discretionary grant funding (eg funding for bursaries and internships).
- Managing and facilitating the implementation of a discretionary grant programme.
- Coordination of learnership and internships.
- Sourcing of interns and bursary recipients.
- Drafting Training / Learnership / Internship agreements.
- Presentation of customized training programmes
We provide peace of mind solutions for all labour issues. We guide our clients through this tricky area and ensure that matters are dealt with effectively, fairly and with minimal risk.
We provide either ad-hoc assistance with labour matters or a “one-call-away” Assurance service at a fixed monthly rate.
Our Assurance service includes:
- membership of an Employers Organisation,
- a dedicated IR specialist,
- a telephonic and email advisory help-line,
- chairing of disciplinary and incapacity hearings as well as
- CCMA / Bargaining Council representation.
People Partners conducts customized in-house training courses for our clients across a broad spectrum of topics including:
- Discipline
- Poor Performance
- Handling Absenteeism
- Supervisory and Management Development
- The Employment Equity Act
- The Skills Development Act
- Understanding Basic Employee Rights and the BCEA.
- Understanding B-BBEE
- Implementing Job Design and Performance Management Systems.